
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Calorie Commando!

Today I start preparing for my new weight loss journey! I've found that if you devote a little bit of time preparing before starting a new adventure, than you will set yourself up for success. So, with this said, I spent the day gathering up as much information as possible on how many calories I should be eating and how much fat grams one should consume in a day.

 A women of my age (24), height (5 feet 4 inches), and weight (196 pounds) should consume approximately 1500 calories per day in order to lose weight, this is based off of this website.

Now let's discuss fat. This was a little trickier, and required some math. But no worries, It is just two steps and you can find those on this site. First, you must find your total calories from fat. In order to do this you take your total amount of calories per day and multiply by 30%. So in my case it would be 1500 calories x .30 = 450 calories from fat. Then you take this number and divide by 9 to find how many grams of fat you should consume per day. So 450 calories from fat/ 9 = 50 grams of fat per day!
Anyway, I hope this information has helped you out!

To Health, Love, and Happiness,

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