
Friday, October 21, 2011

To Workout or Not to Workout? That is the Question.

It's Friday night, and while most young women my age are probably out partying in their local downtown club scene, I'm lying by my sleeping baby girl...thinking about workouts? I know it may seem crazy but I'm actually excited to start working out again. I used to dread the thought of having to go through yet another 30 min or an hour of what I thought was torture. But now I'm more excited then ever about doing my first post baby workout.
I do still need to get the "OK" from my doctor to begin a workout regimen. But once I do I plan on doing tons of cardio, with a few days of light ( I say "light" because I just want to have lean muscles and not bulky ones) weight training as well. I will more than likely do all of my workouts from home, seeing as I don't have a gym membership and I have a 3 month old at home.
Previously when I have tried to lose weight in the past, I found myself trying crazy fad diets but not working out. And what happened with that? You guessed right! I would lose weight but I would never keep it off. I usually gain the weight back and then some. So I will no longer be doing that. I plan on eating right AND exercising too. But remember new moms that you should always get the go ahead from your doctor before jumping back into a workout routine. Once I talk to my doctor, I will start off easy (it's been over a year since I've last worked out), so you won't see me doing any marathons anytime soon.
Workout videos used to be my weapon of choice, but since I've done some research on other blogs, I may go another route. I was on the BodyRock site and the idea of home interval workouts interested me. So I will be doing that instead. I will not be doing the exact workouts that she does, because I do not have the equipment that Zuzana (she is the creator of  uses. So instead I will be doing my own moves that I've seen in magazines or modified version of what Zuzana does.  
Anyway, Its still kind of up in the air since I have to wait on my doctor.  So I guess the question is really to workout or not...but when??? Hopefully soon, I get anxious. But I promise that I will make a post on what my first post baby workout is!!!

To Health, Love, and Happiness,

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